Nov 11, 2014

Happy Veterans Day!

I wanted to take a time out from the usual review today and wish all of the men and women of the armed services, past and present, a Happy Veterans Day. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to keep this nation safe! 

On this day, as well as Memorial Day, I think of my grandfather, Vincent Palumbo. Not only did he start the business that is now my career, he was a WWII veteran. He has always been an inspiration in my life and always love sharing his story whenever I can. 

On June 3, 1943 in Big Spring, Texas my grandfather, 22 years old, was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Air Corps. As a bombardier with the Eight Air Force and part of the 306th Bombardment Group, my grandfather risked his life for our country in WWII. While on his B-17, nicknamed the “flying fortress,” I am proud to say that he accomplished 32 combat bombing missions over Germany and German occupied countries. My grandfather would often share stories with me about the war and his time as a bombardier, but I will always remember the diagrams that he would draw me when he would explain the flight formation and how the bombs were dropped. I loved when he did this because I was so proud of his position as the bomber on the lead plane. Wherever my grandfather dropped his bombs is where the rest of the bombardiers would drop their bombs. He had to be incredibly accurate and on target for all 26 missions as a bombardier in the lead planes and he was. My grandfather earned the rank of Captain and was awarded with the Distinguished Flying Cross. 

Make sure to thank both past and active duty men and women for their service today! 

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